Tuesday 21 July 2009

Fellowship of Confessing Christians

A truly excellent post from Alice Smith, youth adviser for part of Chelmsford Diocese. I have responded with a fairly lengthy (for me) comment:

An Anglican at odds with herself...

I concur with her e-pistle!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peter, thanks for your comments...a busy summer so far has meant I haven't been able to respond til now, but your link drew a number of other commenters which have been so helpful. I love your title too - because despite that recent recognition of being fundamentally Anglican, that is so secondary to all the other ways I am defined. Primarily as a new creation in Christ. My hubby will be at Greenbelt this year - sadly I won't as not ideal to do Soul Survivor AND GB with a toddler! Not sure my back would cope! Would be good to further this conversation over the autumn and I hope to have plenty more to stew on after Soul Survivor - will keep the blog updated for your perusal!