Thursday, 19 August 2010

Sola Scriptura - Biblical Marriage...

America's Best Christian, Mrs Betty Bowers, takes time to explain to less informed Christians (i.e. Fundamentalists) the curious details of the Biblical approach to marriage.... h/t Zach Lind



Al said...

OOOOooo, Banksy!
I'm sure you are treading on dangerous ground here.

But it sure is fun Wheee!

Peter Banks said...

Cheers Al... yep, fun and funny! Enjoying your blog's words of wisdom too.

Unknown said...

Bye bye, Sola Scriptura

Is it the Bible or is it the Church?

It appears to be a question of either/or, which means one or the other for non-Catholic Christians.

Non-Catholic Christians have chosen the Bible, since they rejected the Church which Jesus Christ founded.

Well, now in regards to itself, just what does the Bible have to say about the Church that Jesus Christ founded?

1. Did Jesus Christ found the Bible or the Church?

Does the Bible say it was the Bible?

No, it says He founded His Church, Matthew 16:18.

2. What is the pillar and foundation of the truth?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, it says it is the Church, 1Timothy 3:15.

This verse also tells us that the Church was already in existence before 1Timothy was written.

3. Who or what is the final authority?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, it says it is the Church, Matthew 18:15-18.

4. Who is the teacher of all the wisdom of GOD?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, it says it is the Church, Ephesians 3:10.

5. Who is to be saved?

Does the Bible say that all who believe in Sola Scriptura,(the 'Bible only'), will be saved?

No, it says those who are attached to His Church will be saved.

"And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved", Acts 2:47, King James Bible.

Note the singular, "the church".

6. What are we commanded to edify?

Does the Bible say that we are to edify the Bible?

No, it says we are to edify the Church, 1Corinthians 14:12.

7. Who or what rules the Church of GOD?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, the Bible says it is the Bishops that the Holy Spirit has appointed that rule the Church of GOD, Acts 20:28.

8. What is it that Jesus purchased with His own blood?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, the Bible says that Jesus purchased the Church of GOD with His own blood, Acts 20:28, King James Bible.

9. For what did Christ give Himself up?

Does the Bible say it was the Bible?

No, the Bible says that Christ gave Himself up for the Church, Ephesians 5:25.

10. What is it that Jesus nourishes and cherishes?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, the Bible says that Jesus nourishes and cherishes His Church, Ephesians 5:29.

11. For what is Jesus the savior?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, the Bible says Jesus is the savior of His Body which is the Church that He founded, Ephesians 1:22-23, and 5:23.

12. What has neither spot nor wrinkle?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, the Bible says it is the Church that Jesus Christ founded, Ephesians 5:27.

The Church is not holy because of us. The Church is holy because of Him.

13. To whom or to what is the Church subject?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, the Bible says the Church is subject to Christ, Ephesians 5:24.

14. What are we commanded not to offend?

Does the Bible say it is the Bible?

No, the Bible says we are to give no offence to the Church of GOD, 1Corinthians 10:32.

Do you give offence to the Church of GOD that Jesus Christ founded?

15. What came first, the New Testament part of the Bible or the Church?

Because it is the Church which is mentioned in these books: Matthew 16:18 and 18:17, Acts 5:11, for one and many more times in Acts.

The Bible is oral Tradition written down.

Suem said...

I LOVE this!