Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Local Election Time again May 2nd 2019 - Tubecast #02 - Keep Libraries Open

In my second topic in TubeCast #02 I challenge Essex County Council's (ECC) proposals to close down a whole raft of libraries and to downgrade others to volunteer run community projects. ECC sprang this on local councils, libraries, library staff and the public who were invited to take part in a "Consultation". This process has been flawed throughout, used out of date or spurious data and would not stand up to any sort of legal scrutiny.

West Mersea library is one of those under threat, so let's all love our library more and demonstrate to ECC how they can be enhanced such that Essex becomes known as THE County that cherishes Information, Imagination and Inspiration...


Promoted by Robbie Spence on behalf of Peter Banks, both of 124 Morant Road, Colchester CO1 2JD

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