Received a link to this video today and felt considerable resonance to thoughts concerning church worship and services that I have been struggling to articulate after much reflection. It seems what happens in churches is often very inflexible and Mark Pierson, author of The Art of Curating Worship: Reshaping the Role of Worship Leader
h/t Clayfire Curator
I agree that sometimes I drift off at Mass and it can seem to be like going through the motions but as a Catholic I have come to love the Mass and when it comes to the consecration of the Eucharist I join in with the words "This is my body, this is my blood" and I just give everything , physically, mentally, spiritually to God at that point. I join in with the community in offering myself for others in the reality of the lives I will come to meet. I think ministers/priests are so hard pressed these days that it is hard for them to meet everyones individual lives on a personal level but that is the beauty of the liturgy because it can carry a weak and ineffective priest. Not that I don't moan at some of them who don't seem to connect at all !
Hope this makes some sense - done in haste...
Hmmm... loved some of the second half BUT. I think I'll write a quick blogpost :)
Thanks, again, Philomena and I have to say I think you are very fortunate to have reached a point where you love the Mass, indeed I think I am even a wee bit jealous ;-)
On the video Mark is not saying everything has to be tailored to every individual situation but that more effort needs to made to look at providing that sustenance to more of those that need it so much... Not that it is wrong for churches to concentrate on sustaining clergy and the regular worshippers, he talks about building the community that can then sustain one another.
Knew where you would be on this video Rev Sam! Good response on your blog too, regardless, hope you're getting better now?
How wonderful that we live in a world where such self-regarding blather can be posted freely. Go share your concerns over worship to the parishioners in Baghdad, Orissa or Jos.
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