I should prefer that these vestments might be abolished, not because I believe that there is anything about them which in itself is wicked so that godly men could not use them with a clear conscience, but because I observe that owing to a chronic shortage of suitable teachers in the churches they are a source of superstitious belief to very many people: and also because they have now been seized upon as ground of contention more damaging than anyone has been able to explain. Moreover it is consistent with our profession of the Cross of Christ that we should aspire to the simplicity of Christ the Saviour and the Apostles in all external matters, including the outward dress of ministers...
Martin Bucer ~ 1550
I tend to think that there are more important issues for the church to address than which bits of cloth the clergy have hanging round their necks and shoulders. From observation over the years many churches where clergy don't wear robes tend to adopt another uniform anyway e.g. blazer & chinos. Having said that the main advantage of robes in hot weather is that one can go commando and keep the air circulating!
Hope the rehearsals are going well.
Absolutely agree with your opening comment and find the closing one quite scary!
so when did you decide to get blogging then?? (delighted that you are of course!)
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