Wednesday 6 January 2010

Weirdos and outcasts unite...

Today we celebrate Epiphany when the 'wise men' arrived to give the baby Jesus some gifts, a combination of the valuable and scary. Checking around the various knowledgeable bloggers it's emerging these guys were pretty quirky and not the sort of folk made very welcome in the established church. Ok, they arrived late, initially nearly screwed up everything by going to the wrong place and yet they are significant. The early church re-branded them as kings because they wouldn't fit the mould of power and respectability as astrologers and possibly trans-gender eunuchs....

Weirdos that mess up and arrive late? Sounds like musicians to me!
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sharpies said...

...and the rest of us! Good post and absolutely stunning photo, love it.
Happy New Year

Sally said...

Lol, I was taken to task on Sunday for calling them astrologers, whatever they were they almost certainly weren't kings!