Monday 13 June 2011

The Peace of the Lord be...

Well, I, for one, can't wait to see this movie based on Don Miller's cracking book 'Blue Like Jazz'. Instead of a 'coming of age' storyline it's a bit more of a re-discovery with some seriously perceptive observations of the church.

Love it!



Revsimmy said...

Having recently read the book (a bit late, I know) I would love to see this film. Do you know whether it will be released over here, and if so, when?

Peter Banks said...

It's a good question, Simon! Although the book will have more resonance for North American citizens and the film clearly looks like it will be the same I really hope it comes out here too.

Best, PB

Liz Hinds said...

That looks great!

Peter Banks said...

Yep! Film night at Zac's then, Liz?! Best, Px