Wednesday, 7 June 2017

One more sleep...

No vote is wasted, ever. And a vote for the Green Party really counts. Furthermore in this General Election there is the exciting prospect of returning more Green MPs to join the outstanding Green figurehead Caroline Lucas who has served her Brighton Pavilion constituency as the sole Green Party Member of Parliament since 2010.

The Green Party comes under unjust criticism from people that are either entrenched in a pre-conceived view or those that have clearly not investigated the manifesto and the policies it covers. I candidly admit there is an unfortunate (and incorrect) image of the Green Party membership that we are all tree hugging vegans who want to return to more primitive times. The big irony is that the Green Party is actually the ONLY political party that has the clearest objective to protect our planet from us all being forced back to earlier times by the onset of irreversible climate change.

I encourage you to check out your Green Party Parliamentary candidate and if you're local to me then please get out tomorrow and vote for Blake Roberts our outstanding candidate for the Harwich and North Essex constituency.


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