Wednesday 4 May 2011

AV for beer-ginners...


nevell said...

I've experienced the AV system in German local elections (all I'm entitled to vote for!). It's good in theory, but confused me, because it wasn't explained in terms of "Kölsch" (what we wash our Sauerkraut down with:-) )It's a bit happy-go-lucky if you have no particular opinion or knowledge of the other candidates.
Hope you get your beer!

MadPriest said...

It's all a big stitch up. The only fair voting system is proportional representation. The only valid arguments against it are technical not philosophical. But we are being made to decide between FPTP and AV, PR is not on the ballot.

AV will be rejected. But, in stead of saying that the public voted against AV, it will be taken that the public voted against electoral reform and for FPTP.

Today we will say goodbye to any hopes for electoral reform forever. We have been conned.

Peter Banks said...

Cheers, Tim!

Yes, MP, totally in agreement with you. It's also amazing how some of the disaffected Lib Dems must have voted for the Tories in the council elections nationally??!!



nevell said...

So, looks like coffee...

Peter Banks said...

Indeed it is...

Liz Hinds said...

Now if that had been widely used I'm sure we'd have seen a different vote!

Peter Banks said...

Good point Liz... at least Wales got their election results reasonably organised?

Bestest, PBx