Tuesday 24 May 2011

Bob Dylan, troubadour extraordinaire...

A passionate cover of Bob Dylan's song 'When He Returns' from the 1979 album 'Slow Train Coming' by Gospel singer Rance Allen to celebrate the bard's birthday. Of course, I adore the original, however, there is also something pretty special about this version with its blistering Hammond accompaniment and no holds barred vocal performance.

There is also another incredible version, albeit gentler, from John Lee Sanders.

This aptly illustrates the concept of 'improvisation' rather than 'intervention'...



Stuart said...

The first thing our sociology lecturer told us was that the days of answering sociology exam questions with Bob Dylan lyrics and receiving a top grade were over.


Now every single time I come across Bob Dylan I remember this.

Isn't it pathetic the things we can't forget....or is it just me....uh oh...

Peter Banks said...

Cheers Stuart for the comment and the link... Yep, I keep discovering new gems in his poetic lyrics!


nevell said...

A FB friend suggested that "Slow Train" was the best Christian album ever (whoops, we're on dangerous termimolgical ground here!). Many agreed it was great, but not ultimate. Someone even nominated "Signs of Change" - he obviously hadn't been reading your blogs ;-) But Dylan is the Poet, and this track is a masterpiece - not least because of his expressive piano playing. This tribute version isn't so much my cup of tea...

Peter Banks said...

Cheers again Tim! Yes, I agree Dylan's original is better... check out the sleeve for the pianist credit - from memory it is Barry Beckett, one of the Muscle Shoals session players?

Best, PB