So I am standing as a Green Party (GP) candidate again, this time for the Mersea and Tiptree division of Essex County Council (ECC).
Since this time last year, when I first stood as a Colchester Borough Council (CBC) candidate, I have learnt a huge amount. This is both because my involvement with the Green Party built during 2016 culminating in being elected as the Colchester and District GP's Events Officer in September. Concurrently I was co-opted as a local councillor onto West Mersea Town Council. This has entailed a steep learning curve and many challenges, which I have relished, having been invited onto various committees.
In addition to this I was recently invited onto the Blackwater Against New Nuclear Group (BANNG) core steering group which has been fantastic for my grey matter, topping up my maths and physics along the way!
Politics being the way it is the geographic divisions for this election vary substantially from the CBC electoral wards with the greater area they cover, therefore I am extending my investigation of concerns beyond the Mersea Island locality.
Having become one of the founding pillars of the West Mersea Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group I have identified shared concerns on striking the balance between excessive housing developments and fulfilling local housing needs for local people. Furthermore Tiptree and Mersea (along with Wivenhoe) are classed as District Centres also serving the local villages. Mersea, of course, has the unique aspect of only being accessible by one road and inaccessible either side of the spring high tides.
Over the next month leading up to polling day I shall outline my thoughts and proposals using the hashtag moniker #MyManifesto - don't forget to vote!
Promoted by Robbie Spence on behalf of Peter Banks, both of 124 Morant Road, Colchester CO1 2JD
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